About us
About the publishing house
The musical publishing house MUSICA GIOIA was established in 2012 foremost as the author publishing of Eduard Douša, a contemporary composer, pedagogue, and music publicist.
However, the publishing house produces also other titles, e.g. J.S.Bach-A.Marcello: Adagio or Sonata C major for cello and bass by Josef Fiala – a contemporary and a friend of W.A.Mozart. We also present musical pieces from contemporary Czech authors: Sonatina for flute and piano by Milan Báchorek, Colours of the Rainbow – an album by contemporary Czech women-composers; instructive Piano album by contemporary young Czech authors, or a piano cycle for children Martin’s Sunday by professor Jiří Hlinka who is settled in Norway.
We are successfully presenting the current production of the publishing house presented at different artists’ competitions, seminars, or workshops, e.g. at Prague Junior Note led by professor Ivan Klánský, at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Ostrava, at the Conservatory and Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno, on the summer piano courses in Mikulov etc.
A specific project of the publisher is a non-competitive show Czech piano modern for children which is open for young pianist from the whole Czech Republic. This festival is arranged in cooperation with the society for contemporary music Přítomnost (The Present) and has already been held third time. The guests were composer Luboš Sluka , writer and poet Jiří Žáček and pianist Ivo Kahánek.
All our published scores are to be found under the heading Catalogue, Preparing or News(Home).
About us
Mgr. Eva Doušová, Ph.D.
Studied piano at the Ostrava Conservatoire and exceptionally at the Music Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. At the same time in the late 1980s, she studied Musicology at the Faculty of Arts of the Charles University in Prague. She attained a Ph.D. in the field of Music Theory and Education at the Faculty of Education of the Charles University in Prague.
- pianist
- teacher at the Prague Conservatoire and Elementary Art School ZUŠ Štefánikova in Prague
- member of the chamber ensemble Duo BeNe(since 2000)
- cooperates with distinguished performers and music composers

doc. Mgr. Eduard Douša, Ph.D.
professional adviser
Graduated from the Music and Dance Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague in the field of Composition and post-graduate in Music Theory. He earned a doctorate and associate professorship in the field Music Theory and Education at the Faculty of Education of the Charles University in Prague and the at J. E. Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem.
- composer, music journalist and music event organizer
- teacher at the Prague Conservatoire and at the Department of Musicology at the Faculty of Arts of the Charles University in Prague
- his work includes: instructive pieces, piano pieces, chamber music, orchestral composition, vocal, scenic composition, and opera. Several compositions have been recorded and published on CDs or broadcasted by the Czech Radio
- author of music texts (e.g. An Overview of the History of Music of the 20th Century) and musically educative programmes for the Czech Radio

Duo BeNe
is a chamber duo of flute (Jana Bošková) and piano (Eva Doušová) that was founded in 2000. The duo’s repertoire is quite broad. It includes pieces from the baroque through out to contemporary music. The duo collaborates with many distinguished performers and music composers. Many contemporary composers have dedicated some of their pieces to this ensemble. The concert activities are various – thematic concerts, educative concerts, or musical-literary events. Further information about the ensemble and its repertoire can be found on the following website: www.duobene.net.
Other arrangements
- concerts of classical music
- literary and musical events
- concerts for children and youth
- teaching classes or consultation for piano, musical theory, or composition
- preparation for admissions to conservatoire and university colleges for fine arts